Monday, July 25, 2011

Character Level: 15

Thieves often have a nasty reputation, but their organization has been in existence for centuries. Their skills have been honed through oppression and persecution, and finally have become recognized as a force for good. Thieves adhere to a strict code, and their "thefts" are often tests of skill and the objects returned to their owner the next day.

Thief Class Skills
Icon Function Icon Function
Swift AttackIncreases P-ATK and strikes a target 3 times. Each strike deals less damage than the last. AmbushIncrease P-ATK. Deals damage to a target. Also doubles the next P-DMG the target takes.
Deadly ContainmentIncrease P-ATK. Deals damage to a target and stuns the enemy for 3 seconds. Only works when caster is invisible. Hidden ForceConceals you instantly, making you invisible. Increases CRIT rate but increases damage you take by 4 times.
SneakConceals you instantly. Increases CRIT rate and lowers Move SPD by 25%. Cannot be cast in combat. GallopIncreases Move SPD by 30% and AGI by 25%.
BlendIncreases the EVA of all party members.

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