Monday, July 25, 2011


Weapon Choices

  • Dual Daggers - Fast attacks and massive damage
  • Crossbow - Long Range massive damage

Key Strengths

  • Fast Attacks
  • Invisibility

Dual Class (Job) Options

  • Ranger
  • Assassin

Rogue Background Story

At the dawn of life on Iris, people hunted and foraged for their own survival. Apollon commanded the Ethereals to assist the Irisians by teaching them new skills to increase their effectiveness. The people were taught how to focus their minds and access the magical leylines of the world. With this ability they were able to render themselves invisible for a few seconds at a time while stalking their prey. Several of the greatest hunters grew restless and began using their new abilities against others becoming outlaws, murderers and thieves.

They will never see you coming!

Rogue Screen Shots

Click on any of the thumbnails to view the fullsize image

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