Monday, July 25, 2011

Order of the Iron Claw

The Order of the Iron Claw has long been revered for formalized traditional styles and elegant techniques. Members of the Iron Claw seek to serve the greater public good, putting the lives of the people above their own.  

Godhand Style

The Godhand style often is in the forefront of any battle, leading the fray. This power-charged style teaches weapon skills that strike with extreme force. They deal quick and continuous damage based on sheer physical power alone, as well as being able to devastate enemies with raw electrical energy. Besides their renowned ferocity in battle, they always contribute to the morale of their comrades, leading to greater success in any fight.
Weapons: Sabers and Dual Weapons
Suggested Growth: Strong or Fast

Clearmind Style

Believing that any group of warriors is only as strong as their weakest member, the Clearmind style is based on the theory of improving the condition of teammates. Strong in spiritual matters, they call upon the protection of holy spirits to ward off evil and turn aside harm.
In an unusual dichotomy, they also teach medicine to their trainees in order to keep any group of warriors on their feet and fighting. And finally, in order to protect themselves should they end up alone and in danger, they have mastered potent fire-based magical attacks.
Weapons: Swords
Suggested Growth: Mystic or Ward

Cloudstrider Style

The Cloudstrider style is well-named, turning disciples into masters of both earth and sky. They tend to be wanderers, seldom staying to any one location for long before they drift onwards.
Despite their tendency to roam, they are usually willing to lend their skill with polearms indiscriminately and even cheerfully to any that fight against the Golden Dharma King. Their mastery over lightning and wind is unrivaled, and they leave destruction in their wake on the battlefield.
Weapons: Melee Weapons and Polearms
Suggested Growth: Tough or Strong

Mistsong Style

Often looked upon with laughter and even ridicule, the Mistsong style is unique. Their style emphasizes the art in martial arts, mixing in opera characters with deadly skill. They can easily support a team from a distance or in close-quarters, having a large range of thrown weapon skills as well as transformations that grant unbelievable melee power.
Weapons: Melee Weapons and Thrown Weapons
Suggested Growth: Fast or Strong

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