Monday, July 25, 2011


Weapon Choices

  • Wand - Fast attacks and magic
  • Staff - High damage

Key Strengths

  • Powerfull Magic
  • Area of Effect and Long Range Spells

Dual Class (Job) Options

  • Witch
  • Wizard

Mage Background Story

The Order of Mages appeared long before the Great War occurred and with their help, many battles were won on both sides. Trained by Ethereals in the use of magic, Mages can harness great power and are capable of causing great destruction. They have taken it upon themselves to become the defenders of Irisians from external influences, even that of Eres or Apollon. After years of working with magic in its pure energy form, a Mage's skin tone takes on an irregular hue, making them easily identifiable. In continuing their studies, some mages delved into a darker magic. These darker secrets were banned from use by the Order; those who practiced them became outcasts and were driven north. Regardless of which path was taken, the most powerful mages became either Arch Mages or Witches and were capable of incredible devastation.

Will you swear your allegiance to a God or remain neutral?

Mage Screen Shots

Click on any of the thumbnails to view the fullsize image

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