Saturday, July 30, 2011


ELF Healer
These gentle-souled elves are proficient at healing others in their party. But do not be fooled, they can also pack a wicked wallop in the form of magical attacks.
  • Priest
    Specializing in healing and protection using a range of powerful magic spells. They assist in party members recovery, defense and also vitality.
  • Templar
    Quite the aggressor, they are capable of both magical and physical attacks. But their healing powers are keen as well.
“My magic will protect us.” The second race to become residents of Rohan Continent following Humans are the beautiful Elves created by Marea. After having lost their first capital Regen to monsters, their civilization is being developed under the rule of the king and prophets in Vena, their second capital. With Magic Academy located in Via Marea, the Elf nation, active magic research was being conducted surpassing other cities, but with the continent being seeped in chaos triggering incessant interracial warfare, the academy was fashioned into a magic training facility in preparation for war. Elves prize mental training over physical aspects and aptly employ magic on healing wounds and altruistic activities as advocates of peace.

An audience with the lord of Vena. Click on the image to enlarge.

An Elven town guard watches over the city. Click on the image to enlarge.

Inside Vena, the city of the Elves. Click on the image to enlarge.
Vena – Elf Town
Capital of the Elves, Vena is governed by a powerful wizard and Elf representative Sila Mayor Regenon.
Referred to as the city of the arts even within Elf kingdom, it is renowned for its elaborate beauty. Constructed based on an aesthetic blueprint from the inception, the city’s buildings and garden arrangement are equally exquisite. Regen was the original Elf capital, but with monsters seizing it in the wake of assaults, the Elves migrated to the second capital of Vena. The original capital has since been turned into a wasteland and its basement a dungeon.

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