Saturday, July 30, 2011

Advanced Class Discussion: Elves

The Elves are recognized as the healers of Rohan Online, and their skills revolve around the use of such spells to survive. However, with their power over life comes also the power to take it away. You’ll soon come to learn that Elves may be just as formidable as your next door warrior or mage!

An Elf riding a unicorn, passing through human lands. Click on the image to enlarge.
Drifting Away from the Healer Stereotype
In most games, healers are presumed to be the weakest of all classes in terms of combat capability. Usually, players see them in support roles, just making sure that they keep their friends alive.
In Rohan Online, the Elves’ diverse skill tree allows them to focus on which specific healing style they want to do: single healing, group healing, and so on. They may even opt to focus on their offensive and support spells, avoiding the healing skills altogether.

The Elf White Mage
The Elven White Mage starts out with an array of healing and buff spells. They can remove status effects, and have a few attack spells, too. Suffice to say that they’re the mage type that’s a bit more defensive than usual.

A newly-created Elf White Mage, standing outside the Elven city of Vena. Click on the image to enlarge.
An Elf relies on either INTELLIGENCE or PSYCHE, and some VITALITY. Don’t take the route of choosing both INTELLIGENCE and PSYCHE; it would cause your character’s spells to be “average” in effect since you just split your strengths in two.
Spend at least 1 point to VITALITY and the rest to either INTELLIGENCE or PSYCHE. To know which stat you need, you have to look at the other aspects of the Elf: Second Classes, and Skills.
Recall that for every point spent in INTELLIGENCE, your magic attack and magic resistance improves. For every point spend in PSYCHE, you get more mana points.
Level 50 Second Classes
To know how to build your Elf character, you need to know which second job (level 50 class) you would want to take: Priest or Templar.
The Priest is the class that focuses more on healing and defensive skills. You have a spell that reduces the damage received by a party, prevent characters in an area from moving, increase resistances, and so on.
On the other hand, the Templar is the “Warrior healer” class, wielding a mace and a shield. Take note that they do not use STRENGTH, however. Instead, they have an ability called Blunt Mastery that converts their Magic Attack to Melee Attack.
Here’s a list of key skills per class, and what they do:
White Mage:
Heal: Heals a target for 200% of your INTELLIGENCE and PSYCHE.
Group Heal: Heal party member’s hitpoints for 300% of your PSYCHE.
Instant Heal: Instantly heal a target’s hitpoints for 300% of your INTELLIGENCE and 100% of your PSYCHE.
Magic Barrier: Absorbs physical/magical damage for 400% of your PSYCHE. Lasts 40 seconds.
Mental Barrier: Increases your target’s physical defense by 4% of your INTELLIGENCE.
Chrono: Removes spell cooldown.
Revive: Revive with 10% health and mana.
Soul Mastery: When using skills, you consume no mana for 30 seconds.
Obligation: 10% decrease in damage received by all party members.
Group Instant Heal: Heal yourself and your party for 300% of your PSYCHE.
Marea’s Mind: Deal damage equivalent to 650% of your PSYCHE.
Mind Air: Paralyze your opponent and 4 others within 15 meters for 4 seconds.

A male Elf Templar posing with his pet in Montt. Click on the image to enlarge.
Blunt Mastery: 20% boost to Mace damage, 12% boost in attack speed, additional damage based on magic attack
Cast Over: Casting time is ignored for 30 seconds
Reflection: Reflects harmful effects back to the attacker for 10 seconds
Mana Shield: Lose 18 points of mana for every 10 hitpoint damage received
Basically, a Priest would be best off focusing on PSYCHE, to take advantage of the healing spells, and Magic Barrier.
A Templar may opt to go for an INTELLIGENCE or PSYCHE build, with the PSYCHE build being more defensive. An INTELLIGENCE build takes advantage of the Templar’s Blunt Mastery, though, because of an increased magic attack.
The builds are not limited here! There are still various skills builds to be tested. See if you can create a better Elf character this coming Beta.

An Elf Priest in Champion’s Armor, outside Ahkma Cave. Click on the image to enlarge.

Showing off her new piercings, courtesy of the in-game Style Shop. Click on the image to enlarge.

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