Saturday, July 30, 2011

Advanced Class Discussion: Human Knight

The three elements of a well-rounded Rohan Online character: Stats, Skills, and Style! We’ll be talking about these in a bit more detail. Treat this as a reference guide instead of a full walkthrough – part of the fun in creating a unique character is experimenting!

A Human Knight in training. Click on the image to enlarge.
The Human Knight
Due to how the Human Knight (or Guardian / Defender, if second job) skill tree works, these are the recommended stats that a Human player should focus on:
STRENGTH (Basic Warrior: +3 STR, +1 VIT every level)
DEXTERITY (Critical Hit Warrior: +3 DEX, +1 VIT every level)
VITALITY (Tanker: +4 VIT every level)
Human Jobs
The Human Knight is the default job class for Humans. Just like all other classes, it has skills that form the basic foundation of the class. In this case, we have standard warrior skills: buffs that increase Strength, skills that deal physical damage, and so on. He can change to a second job class upon reaching level 50:
The Guardian is the class that is focused more on being able to deal damage. They are skilled with swords and daggers, and as such, Guardians are often seen dual-wielding them for combined damage.
On the other hand, the Defender wields a mace and wears a shield and is a skilled protector, as his name suggests. Defenders can also protect other party members from attacks! Their use of shields implies more stunning attacks with shield bashing.

Both the Guardian and the Defender are capable at Player versus Player (PvP) equally. It’s all a matter of style which one you choose.

A female Knight wearing Champion’s Armor (gained from winning Township Battle). Click on the image to enlarge.
Basic Stats Explanation:
STRENGTH increases your melee damage and carry weight. The more STRENGTH you have, the harder you hit.
DEXTERITY increases your accuracy or chance to hit.
VITALITY gives you more hit points and defense, so adding at least 1 VITALITY per level is a must, even for non-warrior classes. The Human Knight, however, may choose to put all of his stat points into VITALITY, thus causing him to become a near-invincible tanker.
Advanced Stats Explanation:
I’m sure you’re wondering: Why should I add DEXTERITY if it only increases accuracy? I’m going to become weak without STRENGTH!
The simple answer: Skills. The Human can choose to specialize in certain skills, thus affecting which stats he should improve. This will be discussed later on, though, so lets continue on with advanced stats explanation.
Every level, you gain 4 stat points for you to allocate as you like. It is recommended that you do not over-specialize when it comes to stats because your character will become weak. Place those stat points where they matter, since you will not get a lot of them.
Add at least 1 point to VITALITY every level, then add the remaining 3 stat points to either STRENGTH or DEXTERITY.
Whichever stat route you take, stick to it. That is, if you take the STRENGTH path, don’t suddenly switch builds midway and increase DEXTERITY. A character without focus will not be able to do anything well enough.

A male Knight fighting off two Lycan Gladiators. Click on the image to enlarge.
Skill Builds
There are just too many skills in the character class trees, so we will only discuss the important skills based on the three builds above.
Some skills from the Knight Class:
Rising Might: Increases your target’s STRENGTH for a certain amount of time
Protection: Increases your target’s physical defense for a certain amount of time
Blessed Shield: Increases your shield block rate for a certain amount of time
Invoke: Increases your critical damage according to your DEXTERITY and increases your DEXTERITY for a certain amount of time
Sharpen Blade: Increases the damage of 1-handed weapons (except daggers) for a certain amount of time
Darkness / Divine: An active buff that drains your mana but adds Dark or Light elemental damage to your attacks, and may cause your enemy’s attacks speed to decrease (Darkness) or abosrb some of your damage as mana points (Divine)
What skills should I get? Here are the suggested ones, per basic build:
STRENGTH (Basic Warrior): Darkness / Divine (just one), Rising Might, Sharpen Blade
The idea here is that STRENGTH Knights should be able to deal much damage at a constant rate. Knight attacks may not be worth it (such as Bleeding), since you can get better attack skills when you reach level 50.
DEXTERITY (Critical Hit Warrior): Darkness / Divine (just one), Invoke, Sharpen Blade
Much of your build revolves around how Invoke causes your critical hits to become stronger based on how much DEXTERITY you have. Get some items that increase your chance to deal critical hits and you’ll be set. Some players recommend starting off as a STRENGTH character first, though, since you don’t get a lot of buffs or items that increase your critical hit chance early on.
VITALITY (Tanker): Darkness / Divine (just one), Protection, Blessed Shield
Here, we capitalize on our defensive capabilities. You may opt to take some more attack skills (such as Shield Bash) if you like, but know that if you go the VITALITY route, your attacks will be weak. Get the Taunt skill and lure monsters or bosses for your party, and let them do the killing for you.
Not all skills are discussed here, so feel free to experiment with other combinations.
One of the most important aspects of character growth, gaining levels allows you to reach even greater heights.
The builds discussed above all gain levels differently, but not because of total experience points, but HOW they get those experience points.
STRENGTH (Basic Warrior) characters have the easiest time in levelling. They deal strong damage constantly and are able to tank decently enough (provided that your armor is up to date). They don’t kill as fast as a Dark Elf Mage, but at least they don’t break a sweat doing it.
DEXTERITY (Critical Hit Warrior) characters will have a hard time levelling during the earlier levels (below 50), because their skills don’t fully support the fact that they need to do critical hits to kill enemies. If good equipment is unavailable, start with a STRENGTH build first, then refine your stats/skills to DEXTERITY build when you feel comfortable.
VITALITY (Tanker) characters gain levels very slowly when solo. The fact that they can barely kill anything fast enough without STRENGTH means that they need to be in parties to gain levels. Fortunately, protecting party members is what they do best; they’ll have room in any party.
Here are some screenshots of high-level Humans in Rohan Online:

A female Knight wearing a blue swimsuit. Click on the image to enlarge.

A Knight posing in costume. Click on the image to enlarge.

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