Monday, July 25, 2011


Weapon Choices

  • Sword and Shield - maximum survivability
  • Dual swords - maximum damage

Key Strengths

  • Massive defensive capabilities
  • Can take and give damage equally

Dual Class (Job) Options

  • Royal Knight
  • Temple Knight

Knight Background Story

The Creed of the fabled Knights of Apollon, passed down for generations, lives on today. Normal humans, imbued by Apollon with great skill in weaponry, speed, and battle tactics, the Knights have lived defending Iris from the treacherous Titans. Their warfare secrets are carefully guarded and only given to those who prove themselves worthy through their actions both on and off the battlefield. Those honored few, dubbed either Royal or Templar Knights, are the elite squad of the Knights of Apollon and the most powerful warriors Iris has to offer.

Defend Iris with Honor Strength and Nobility.

Knight Screen Shots

Click on any of the thumbnails to view the fullsize image

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