Monday, July 25, 2011


Weapon Choices

  • Fallarm - Elementalists best friend
  • Scythe - Long bladed weapon

Key Strengths

  • Magical Transformation
  • Elemental magical attacks

Dual Class (Job) Options

  • Elementalist
  • Specialist

Sorcerer Background Story

Spurred by the unwillingness of the Gods to end the conflict, the Sorcerers took action and joined the war. Some chose a more aggressive path and joined Eres, no longer believing Apollon to be the great God they once thought. Others felt that Apollon had no choice but to continue the war; they saw Eres as the cause of the world's demise and thus joined the side of Light. Those remaining held to a neutral stance and fought to keep the devastation from the lands they dwelt within, fighting only when threatened. As the conflict receded, the Sorcerers once again returned to their seclusion, ignoring the politics while tending the land, roaming in search of damaged nodes and leylines in need of repair.

The threat of war again lingers in the air and the Sorcerers feel urged to do their part to prevent a new war.

Sorcerer Screen Shots

Click on any of the thumbnails to view the fullsize image

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