Monday, July 25, 2011

Martial Artist

Character Level: 40
Thief Level: 35

Martial Artists view combat as a deadly dance between opponents. Having meticulously molded their bodies into fierce fighting machines, Martial Artists use their focused discipline and fervent strength conditioning to deftly battle enemies. Not content to rely on weapons and armor alone, the Martial Artist's best weapon is incredible strength and speed.

Martial Artist Class Skills
Icon Function Icon Function
Collapsing BlowIncreases P-ATK, deals damage to target, increase chance for critical hit for duration. SuppressIncrease P-ATK, deals damage to target, faint enemy for duration.
Energy WoundIncreases ASPD and P-CRIT for duration. Charging AssaultIncreases a target below level one for a duration, redirecting it to attack the caster's enemies. Also reduces Physical Damage taken.
Vajra RoarsLowers ACC and Evasion of all enemies within 0 feet by 10 points for 15 seconds. Defender's StrengthReduces Magic Damage taken and reflects damage back to attackers.
ChargeReduces damage taken by you and your party members.

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