Monday, July 25, 2011


Weapon Choices

  • Sceptor - Magical attack and healing
  • Bow - Long Range massive damage

Key Strengths

  • Healing Spells
  • Magical attack arrows

Dual Class (Job) Options

  • Cleric
  • Archer

Healer Background Story

In the beginning when Apollon created the Elven people, some were made High Elves and given the charge of bringing life to the land and its inhabitants. To complete this task the Ethereals taught them how to bring healing through the use of the leylines and nodes, tapping into the world's magical energies. Being Elves, their natural lifespan was longer than most. When combining long life with their healing abilities, the High Elves gained a unique perspective on life, the world, and their cycles. With their extended years and special abilities, the Healers?, as they're often called, are greatly respected for their knowledge and wisdom.

Will you choose a side or remain true to the original calling and give your gifts freely to all?

Healer Screen Shots

Click on any of the thumbnails to view the fullsize image

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