Monday, July 25, 2011


Character Level: 30
Magician Level: 35

Jesters may seem friendly, but be wary. As masters of deception, the illusionist class is highly skilled at distraction and enchantment. If their outlandish jester hats and checkered outfits aren't disorienting enough to the enemy, the illusionist can cast several hypnotizing spells and summon an arcane pet to help in battle. Illusionists can also heal party members.

Illusionist Class Skills
Icon Function Icon Function
Deadly IcicleIncreases M-ATK. Strikes a target with Ice damage 3 times. Each strike deals less damage than the last. Hypnotic EyeHypnotizes all enemies in the target area, making them temporarily fall sleep. Increases the next damage they take.
StimulationIncreases the ATK SPD and Cast SPD of each nearby party member, stacking up to 3 times. PsychedelicHides your trace, recovering your MP every 2 seconds. Cannot be cast in combat. When the status is activated, the caster cannot be detected by the monster unless they move.
Mind SurgeRegenerates the MP of nearby party members. IllusionCharms a target below a certain level, redirecting it to attack the caster's enemies. Also reduces Magic damage taken.
EmissaryAssigns your pet to attack a selected target. Ancient Call

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