Saturday, July 30, 2011

Advanced Class Discussion: Dark Elves

Dark Elves are the strongest magicians in Rohan Online in terms of raw offensive power, and their skills build around that capability.

A Dark Elf Mage before the Montt citadel. Click on the image to enlarge.

The Dark Elf Mage
The Dark Elf Mage’s levelling style is pretty simple, and it revolves around the effective use of the following skills:
Energy Sphere: Your target receives magical damage boosted by a certain amount.
Health Coil: Deal boosted magical damage and gain a percentage of Health Points (HP).
Mana Coil: Deal boosted magical damage and gain a percentage of Mana Points (MP).
Energy Sphere is both cheap (in terms of mana cost and cooldown), and will be your primary offensive spell before getting to your second job class at level 50.
With Health Coil and Mana Coil, not only do you get to deal extra damage, but you will rarely have the need to use potions.

Getting the above skills to their maximum is recommended. You don’t really need to use other skills, although you are free to take other skills to support your play style. The Dark Elf Mage has a Cold Wave spell to paralyze a target, or Frozen Ice spell to decrease movement and attack speed.

A Dark Elf Wizard looking particularly grim. Click on the image to enlarge.
You only need to look at two stats when building your Dark Elf: INTELLIGENCE and PSYCHE.
As mentioned before, INTELLIGENCE increases your magical attack power and magical resistance, while PSYCHE increases your mana points and magical resistance.
Given the fact that the Dark Elf Mage does not have many offensive spells using PSYCHE, it is recommended that you focus on INTELLIGENCE and VITALITY before level 50.
By the time you get to level 50 to change your class, though, your choice of stats will change depending on your second class.

Am I a Wizard or a Warlock? Halloween masks the identity of this lady Dark Elf. Click on the image to enlarge.
Level 50: Wizard or Warlock?
The Dark Elf’s second job class further specializes the Dark Elf into either single-target (Warlock) or area-of-effect spellcaster (Wizard).
The Warlock deals strong damage to single targets, requiring INTELLIGENCE in his spellcasting. His focus in INTELLIGENCE, though, leaves him low on PSYCHE, thus requiring the Warlock to manage his mana points well, or risk running out in the middle of a battle (if his prey even survives).
The Wizard, on the other hand, focuses on spells that target many at one time. Since his spells require PSYCHE to deal damage, a PSYCHE-focused Wizard will be able to constantly cast his spells without worry.

A Dark Elf Warlock in Champion’s Armor won from a Township Battle. Click on the image to enlarge.
In deciding which one is better, just ask yourself where you want to use your Dark Elf:
If you prefer doing boss hunts, dueling, or small party versus party battles, then a Warlock’s repertoire of spells dealing quick spike damage would benefit you and your group. You’ll be great at taking out single targets in Township Battle.
On the other hand, if you’re more of a farmer, or a support-artillery in Township Battles, then you might want to be a Wizard. Since you kill more monsters faster, you’ll level faster too. However, you will have to buy a re-stat scroll from the Item Mall to transfer your INTELLIGENCE points to PSYCHE to be effective.

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